I have always considered myself quite the poet. Please be enlightened via the following poem.
It is now 2006, when all the sheeples are sucking dicks
Corporations such as viacom, will brainwash you
Watch out cause they'll brainwash you
Sheeples beware, you're in for a scare.
Cause centre of rants is currently simultaneously respectively here
Snakes on a plane is coming soon, it's brainwashing teeny boppers will surely bring doom
the time of the sheeples is surely upon us and will bring doom
A poem via me.
I hope you enjoyed my poetry.
Here are some drawings associated with the content of my simultaenously respectively poem.

(Please click on artwork for larger view)
There appears to be alot of simultaneous respective hate on the guestbook, keep it cool guys. No sheeple aloud, you know who you are! In other news snakes on a plane has received and m15+ rating by the australian board for rating films. This means that teenyboppers shall be applicable to view this series of moving pictures and audio which will surly lower there intilgenceisness.
My next article will be about how VHS is better than DVD? If you disagree you shall be proved to be colloquially wrong.
I have always considered myself quite the poet. Please be enlightened via the following poem.
It is now 2006, when all the sheeples are sucking dicks
Corporations such as viacom, will brainwash you
Watch out cause they'll brainwash you
Sheeples beware, you're in for a scare.
Cause centre of rants is currently simultaneously respectively here
Snakes on a plane is coming soon, it's brainwashing teeny boppers will surely bring doom
the time of the sheeples is surely upon us and will bring doom
A poem via me.
I hope you enjoyed my poetry.
Here are some drawings associated with the content of my simultaenously respectively poem.

(Please click on artwork for larger view)
There appears to be alot of simultaneous respective hate on the guestbook, keep it cool guys. No sheeple aloud, you know who you are! In other news snakes on a plane has received and m15+ rating by the australian board for rating films. This means that teenyboppers shall be applicable to view this series of moving pictures and audio which will surly lower there intilgenceisness.
My next article will be about how VHS is better than DVD? If you disagree you shall be proved to be colloquially wrong.
I heart this blog.
truly a masterpiece
There. commented.
You'll wish you hadn't bad mouthed Samuel L Jackson when there are snakes on your plane......
This blog is very good and the posts just keep getting better. Good work
I like the artwork
PS yes, it IS possible that lies are in fact told by the dvd industry
It is possible that lies are told by the DVD industry.
Okay, I'm the guy who wrote the long negative post in the Snakes on a Plane post. I have to admit the error of my ways. This blog is beyond awesome. It truly is a brilliant satire and perfectly skewers the whole 'Maddox wannabe' type blogger and his desperation to rebel and be deemed cool. Keep up the good work!
I am skeptical about the person above me, he isn't serious.
Actually, I am. It sounds a bit awkward I know, but I actually mean what I wrote.
"It is possible that lies are told by the DVD industry."
Good stuff.
Anonymous, I wrote that, not you. Quit bluffing.
Great blog.
Hi, you guys have quite a good blog going and I like the poetry. Keep up the good work
Hey I was wondering if you could help me with something? I was wondering...Is it possible lies are told by the DVD industry?
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