Special Viewer's edishun on COTR
Today we have a special treat for our loyal viewers. This article is devoted towards you, not the coprate sheeeple. The article will be devoted towards comments, requests and Frequesntly askeded questiosns. Enjoy!
Is it possible that lies are told by the dvd industry?
Yes, it is entriely posssible that lies r told bhy the industry. This question has been much pettifoged for aeons. Possible prevarications that r told by the dvd industry could be: that dvd is more better than Vertical Helical scan.
What is a sheeple?
You must be a sheeple for asking that
Is it my possible that my cranium is ov a an inteliggencenessly?
I would agree with that statement
Do the Illumanati really exist?
Hmm, positive.
Hu roolz tha mostlynesssly?
Me, obviously, you stupid corporate sheeeple.
And thus concludes the FREquENtly aksed questions.
NExt on the topic
WE have been gratified certain comments requesting for certain things, such as videos of various apparatusses and a link to our affiliates blog. Also, I have found a moving picture and audio sequence on www.youtube.com containing a non-sheple. HEre they are
Is it possible that lies are told by the dvd industry?
Yes, it is entriely posssible that lies r told bhy the industry. This question has been much pettifoged for aeons. Possible prevarications that r told by the dvd industry could be: that dvd is more better than Vertical Helical scan.
What is a sheeple?
You must be a sheeple for asking that
Is it my possible that my cranium is ov a an inteliggencenessly?
I would agree with that statement
Do the Illumanati really exist?
Hmm, positive.
Hu roolz tha mostlynesssly?
Me, obviously, you stupid corporate sheeeple.
And thus concludes the FREquENtly aksed questions.
NExt on the topic
WE have been gratified certain comments requesting for certain things, such as videos of various apparatusses and a link to our affiliates blog. Also, I have found a moving picture and audio sequence on www.youtube.com containing a non-sheple. HEre they are
Whoah, this blog is the best thing to have happened to the internet since google!
Man this blog just keeps getting better and better
Hey guys, it's me again. I noticed you didn't write an article last week? ANyway, nice article, and keep up the blogging. And what's this subszone blog that you have a link for?
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Most possible.
Hi, Sheeple analyst, we toook a break from blogging for a week so thats why there was no article for last saturday. SUbszone is the blog of one of my affiliates called arthur, you shoukd check it out.
I believe your theory on sheeple is extremely educated. You should write a PHD at university on sheeple.
I also believe that the quality on VHS in much better than DVD because its in a stable postion unlike DVDs which quality is compressed, however Videos deteriorate, i believe this the reason large corporations use DVDs
This blog rules, i can't wait till the next article
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siffler, '1337' speak is for sheeple
see you in the office, siffler
i beleive there is lies told by the fake siffler industry.
Can you please update your blog, I am currently in love with the articles you have already written and i am dying of anticipation of your next article.
I would also like to request that the stupid coments made by t3h_s1ffl3r and It HURTS TO DELETE THE TRUTH AND MY COMMENT be deleted. If you dont your blog wont look legitimate. If it doesnt legitimate it will be ignored by the intellectual community. Your blog does'nt deserve that, it should be spread across the world
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