Saturday, September 23, 2006

The Complete Analogy of Sheeple.

SHEEPLE (surly there unintelligenceness will bring and end to sivilaisation as we no it?)

Hundreds of COTR fans have asked me about the sheeple. In this article I will give you the full simultaneous respective 'lowdown', the complete '4-1-1', and other sheeple colliqiually quotes.

What is a sheeple?

Well, there are many ways to define a sheeple, and the term sheeple can be very respectively wide. Urban dicshuneri ( defines it as 'People unable to think for themselves. Followers. Lemmings. Those with no cognitive ablilities of their own.' I reccommend four a good simultaneous respective colloquial definishun.

Persunally, I woudd define its as 'stupid people who don't think themselves, or those who are being brainwashed into stupid sheepelike states in which they respectively simultaneously being brainwashed into coporate propaganda sheeple.'
And example of this definition:
1.Teh teenagers watched mtv cause they were being brainwashed by viacom.

2.My brother is now a mindless teeny bopper because he was brainwashed by the sexually suggestive viewing appartus on the viewingn machine.

3.I got a blog.


There are many kinds of sheeple. The way werre defined this sheeple is by adding what kind of sheeple they are. For exammple: mtv sheeple, or nike sheeple I will now list tha various kindz of sheple: 1.Corporate sheeple (brainwashed by corporations) 2. VIacom sheeple (brainwashed by viacom) 3. Colloqiually sheeple (sheeple who use slang, or spell words rong) 4.MTV sheeple (a common kind) 5. Brand name sheeple(those who wear brand name clothings) 6.Rap music sheeples(you can't spell Crap without rap) 7. DVD Indus-try Sheeple (The kind that watch dvds and believe the lies told via the DVD industry) 8.Sheeple Sheeple (those who use the word sheeple to a point in which it is just completely ridiculous)


(click on pictures for better view)

How to avoid being a sheeple.

There are many precautions that need to be taken to ensure you're safe from becoming a sheeple.

1. Never use LOL it makes you unitellgible, NEVER USE INTERNET SLANG IN YOUR LIFE OR Real Life! 2. Never spells wrong, this is the first step two being an unintelligeble sheeple. 3.Create a blog...Which is not sheeple. 4. Is it possible that lies are told by the DVD industry? 4. Under no circumstances must you watch MTV 5. Never buy or associate your self with corporations. 6. Don't watch snakes on a plane. 7. I got a blog. 8. Listen to Thrash Mettle. 9. Avoid being brainwashed via corporations 10.I got a blog.



Don't watch MTV, Brainwashing you with false 'G's' Don't watch MTV, makes you unintelliglbe to me Don't watch MTV, it is plain to see Don't watch MTV, the brainwashing teeny boppers are plain to see If you like MTV you are truely a sheeple Ignorance is bliss when your a sheeple Their propaganda should be bitten by an anaconda Why must we put up with this unitenligcness much longer?

Links via Aaron herch



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, this is pretty good stuff. I've always wondered about the sheeple. I really enjoy this blog and please never stop writing. CYa

12:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This blog is simply amazing

3:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

im from dat mad band slipknooottt DIS SITTE ROOLZZZ 555 666

3:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOOOOOOOOOVE THE GRAPHS AND DIAGRAMS, i've never quite known what a sheeple is- and i still don't juuuuuuuuuuuuust kidding. You guys simply just have too much time on your hands and should get out some more. Maybe get a girlfriend or something... I've also noticed that the people who have made previous comments are up too early and should go to bed! Talk to you cats later- love what you're doing, keep ding it, it turns me on!

6:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The owners of this blog both have girlfriends. And they have to cancel alot of things out of their busy schedule to do this blog.

6:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

arthurs a fag
anastasias a fag

6:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i am gay. i like men. SLIME!

5:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

True, arthur. The first step is admittance of your desires

7:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

did a cow fly out your ass?

7:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes it did. SLIME!

7:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Sir / Madam (master of the weblog),

Due to recent complaints, we are giving you approximately two weeks to clear any deliberate profanities, and impersonations regarding a weekly user named 'Arthur.'

Faliure to do so may result in persistant "comment-bombing." Deletion of this message will lead to penalties under the law, the message will continually appear.

Please understand the grief of ridiculed users, who are infact are passionate fanatics of your weblog, who won't harm the weblog and put down its users in any way.

Robert Mueller
Director of Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)


12:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Federal Bureau of Investigation said...

Dear Sir / Madam (master of the weblog),

Due to recent complaints, we are giving you approximately two weeks to clear any deliberate profanities, and impersonations regarding a weekly user named 'Arthur.'

Failure to do so may result in persistant "comment-bombing." Deletion of this message will lead to penalties under the law, the message will continually appear.

Please understand the grief of ridiculed users, who are infact are passionate fanatics of your weblog, who won't harm the weblog and put down its users in any way.

Robert Mueller
Director of Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)


12:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the person who made the comment above is simultaineouuuslynessly respectivly unintellligencenesss in there crainium

6:47 PM  
Blogger woran said...

Arthur, the FBI is obviously you.
Why would the FBI care if you were getting imitated? And why would they just leave a comment. And we're in Australia, I think the ASIO would be involved, not the FBI.

6:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey guys,

Fantastic blog ! Ignore the silly FBI comment, it was done by one of my relatives.

Keep blogging, signed true fan.

12:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Coordinator:

Under the Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. subsection 552, I am requesting information or records on Arthur Moushos as clearly and specifically as possible .

If there are any fees for searching for, reviewing, or copying the records, please let me know before you task my request. [or, please supply the records without informing me of the cost if the fees do not exceed a certain dollar amount, which I agree to pay.]

If you deny all or any part of this request, please cite each specific exemption if you think justifies your refusal to release the information and notify me of appeal procedures available under the law.

If you have any questions about handling this request, you may telephone me at(202) 555-465 or at my (202) 555-596

Sam mugford
34 bridgeport st, Washington DC

4:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

looking at the post, either your:

One of the blog owners
One of the blog owners

7:47 PM  
Blogger woran said...

I got a blog

6:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Arthur, the FBI is obviously you.
Why would the FBI care if you were getting imitated? And why would they just leave a comment. And we're in Australia, I think the ASIO would be involved, not the FBI."


5:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

my eyes are open 2 tha ways of the world now

5:07 PM  

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