Some of our readers may have noticed cloud-like object, which resembles clouds. With an appearance similar to cotton wool. Clouds? I dont think so sheeple. ChEmTrAiLzZzZ.
Chemtrails (pronounced CH-EM-TR-AEELS) are floatings of brainwash, realeased by planes moslty. The government and/or the illuminati realease these chemtrails to keep us stupid and branwashed teenybopper who watch MTV (or should I say "BRAINWASH TV!") and brainwashed.
What do these chemtrails look like, and how do we avoid them?
These chemtrails are white/gray in colour. ANd there habitat is the air and atmosphere. They also may contain deathoxide (D2O3) and should be avoided.
Chem trails look like like this
the idea of chemtrails is that they are realeased onto our fields, into our cattle and water supply. Hence, to avoid the chemtrails, and to avoid being a sheeple, follow the following rules:
1.Dont drink any water
2. Dont eat any meat or vegetables that have grown in soil.
3. Dont go outside, or in non airtight areas
4. If you have to go outside, where a gas mask.
5. I got a blog.

Click on picture for large image.
From all of us at COTR, hopefully you can keep away the chemtrails and wear your gas masks at ALL TIMES. Hope you had a good easter and didn't eat any eggs (as they contain traces of brainwash). Merry Christmas, sheeple. JUST NKIDDING!
Chemtrails (pronounced CH-EM-TR-AEELS) are floatings of brainwash, realeased by planes moslty. The government and/or the illuminati realease these chemtrails to keep us stupid and branwashed teenybopper who watch MTV (or should I say "BRAINWASH TV!") and brainwashed.
What do these chemtrails look like, and how do we avoid them?
These chemtrails are white/gray in colour. ANd there habitat is the air and atmosphere. They also may contain deathoxide (D2O3) and should be avoided.

the idea of chemtrails is that they are realeased onto our fields, into our cattle and water supply. Hence, to avoid the chemtrails, and to avoid being a sheeple, follow the following rules:
1.Dont drink any water
2. Dont eat any meat or vegetables that have grown in soil.
3. Dont go outside, or in non airtight areas
4. If you have to go outside, where a gas mask.
5. I got a blog.
Click on picture for large image.
From all of us at COTR, hopefully you can keep away the chemtrails and wear your gas masks at ALL TIMES. Hope you had a good easter and didn't eat any eggs (as they contain traces of brainwash). Merry Christmas, sheeple. JUST NKIDDING!
Labels: 9/11, borat, bullet for my valentine, chemtrails, free, games, hot teen, illuminati, NWO, reptilians, sheeple, slipknot
Hey, nice article. Good to see you guys updated. Those chemtrails have to be stopped
A sky
I agree you should do an article how speech recognition is great but unoriginal
anti sheeple warrior yuo should do an article that doesnt involve other peoples screen names on msn messenger
"anti sheeple warrior yuo should do an article that doesnt involve other peoples screen names on msn messenger"
is great (but unoriginal)
nooo surreeenddurrerrrrrrerrrrr
chuck a shit put it in the fridge
you should do one about how water is a drug
Chemtrails look mad when ur high
OMG WERE BEING BRAINWASHED! You fuckers are sheeples. I was talking to one of your Anti-Sheeple dumbasses (Anti=Sheeple is a contridiction!) it was quite hilarious that the shit that was coming out of his mouth were just assumptions made by the help of you guys. You say your being brain washed; you say your the only ones that know the truth, your just a bunch of ice heads that have no clue about whats going on, and have to make there boring, geeky life a little bit interesting by making a blog that has no value in this society. Talking about how 9/11 was a cospiracy, guess what, it was probly some angry muslims getting revenge on a country that took so much away from them. Oh and the boxing day tsunami too, must have been done by a nuke beause naval ships were spotted in the are, WELL guess what. Naval ships are every where, :O because there was on near a natural disaster (Note the "Natural") they must have done it.
Fucking Hypocrits.
I'll rant more later.When this comment gets deleted because you can't handle what I say, I win because you guys can't handle an opinion. MTV FTW FAGGOTS.
You spelt 'their' and 'probably' wrong. You have bad grammar, so theirfore we win the arguement
Single Female Lawyer you are obivously an Illuminati 9/11 was fake hmph sheeple!
Why the blackmail?
Ill make em choke on my dolma
I got a hustler diploma
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