Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Some of our readers may have noticed cloud-like object, which resembles clouds. With an appearance similar to cotton wool. Clouds? I dont think so sheeple. ChEmTrAiLzZzZ.
Chemtrails (pronounced CH-EM-TR-AEELS) are floatings of brainwash, realeased by planes moslty. The government and/or the illuminati realease these chemtrails to keep us stupid and branwashed teenybopper who watch MTV (or should I say "BRAINWASH TV!") and brainwashed.
What do these chemtrails look like, and how do we avoid them?
These chemtrails are white/gray in colour. ANd there habitat is the air and atmosphere. They also may contain deathoxide (D2O3) and should be avoided.
Chem trails look like like this
the idea of chemtrails is that they are realeased onto our fields, into our cattle and water supply. Hence, to avoid the chemtrails, and to avoid being a sheeple, follow the following rules:
1.Dont drink any water
2. Dont eat any meat or vegetables that have grown in soil.
3. Dont go outside, or in non airtight areas
4. If you have to go outside, where a gas mask.
5. I got a blog.

Click on picture for large image.
From all of us at COTR, hopefully you can keep away the chemtrails and wear your gas masks at ALL TIMES. Hope you had a good easter and didn't eat any eggs (as they contain traces of brainwash). Merry Christmas, sheeple. JUST NKIDDING!
Chemtrails (pronounced CH-EM-TR-AEELS) are floatings of brainwash, realeased by planes moslty. The government and/or the illuminati realease these chemtrails to keep us stupid and branwashed teenybopper who watch MTV (or should I say "BRAINWASH TV!") and brainwashed.
What do these chemtrails look like, and how do we avoid them?
These chemtrails are white/gray in colour. ANd there habitat is the air and atmosphere. They also may contain deathoxide (D2O3) and should be avoided.

the idea of chemtrails is that they are realeased onto our fields, into our cattle and water supply. Hence, to avoid the chemtrails, and to avoid being a sheeple, follow the following rules:
1.Dont drink any water
2. Dont eat any meat or vegetables that have grown in soil.
3. Dont go outside, or in non airtight areas
4. If you have to go outside, where a gas mask.
5. I got a blog.
Click on picture for large image.
From all of us at COTR, hopefully you can keep away the chemtrails and wear your gas masks at ALL TIMES. Hope you had a good easter and didn't eat any eggs (as they contain traces of brainwash). Merry Christmas, sheeple. JUST NKIDDING!
Labels: 9/11, borat, bullet for my valentine, chemtrails, free, games, hot teen, illuminati, NWO, reptilians, sheeple, slipknot
Friday, February 09, 2007
The Microsoft VIsta
Why Windows VISTA is for the Sheeeeple
As many of you may not no, vista is da new operattingg shitstem from "MicroSoft entertainment industries". Only sheeple would buy this new operating system, they only believe what microsoft says, microsoft says that windows vista "Is faster than xp" which is a lie, it's as fast as 95, slower actually. Microsoft claims that it is not for sheeple, which in reality it is, they just trick the corporate sheeple into believeing it's not, WHICH IS COOL!
Vista is the worst operating system ever, it has so manyh bugs and hole it's just the exact same code as XP accept worse, the only thing different is the start button* which you can download as a skin for you xp, they trick people into buying it with faculties/ The idea of the Microsoft vista being a better system then the XP is substandard, and
For all you sheeple who haven't seen the obivous clues yet, the microsoft vista was clearly made by the illumanati for the benifit of viacom.Reasons why the MICRosoft Vista blows;
1. Only sheeples like it
2.I got a blog
3. #2 The Games Explorer. This is a thing that lets people hardly manage none of the games on their machine from a bromidic un-friendly, Media-Center unlike console (though not nearly as nice yet but I think this is the direction they're taking). So a PC box with Vista could be more hardly used as a anti-recherche set-top box for gaming.
4. It's possible that dheir are lies told by the VISTA industry.
5. It's batch shell, is way worse, than the xp, for deleting copies off ur windows folder, and also for keeping the sheeple away. And its just the same as the IMAc which just came out.
This article was guest-writeen by Braiden Sharp, and jardell kane.
From All of us here working at COTR,
see you next time sheeple (Just Kidding).
Labels: blog, brainwash, branwash, corporations, free, games, hot teen, illumanti, internet, microsoft, microsoft vista, mtv, music, sheeple, slime, slipknot, viacom, vista
Friday, December 08, 2006
Interviews with the winners
WE haven't wrotten in a long thyme, so this article will be recherche. We announced that the winners would have there interviews posted. The interviews were done via medium the internet.
First place, Julius, or SIffler.
First place, Julius, or SIffler.
COTR: How did you find COTR?Second place, Martin Shay
JULIUS: well when i was visiting my anti-DVD industry sites i came across
COTR: What were your first thoughts?
JULIUS: well at first i thought it was a joke then i saw the very
intelligible debates they raised
COTR: if you could change 1 thing about COTR, what would you change?
JULIUS: A thing to eliminate spam messages by the certain sheeple. (Ebert) "
COTR: what would you like to see from COTR in the future?
JULIUS: possibly confrontations with the certain company VIIIIACCCCOMM about
their sheeplistic ways
COTR: would you like to say anything about any articles, issues we have
talked about on the blog, feedback, etc?
JULIUS: an Article about chemtrails
COTR: How did you find COTR?
Martin: friends
COTR: What were your first thoughts?
Martin: finaly someone that isnt a brainwashed sheeple
COTR: if you could change 1 thing about COTR, what would you change?
Martin: the web address because COTR is to good for blogspot and should ahve
its own domain
COTR: what would you like to see from COTR in the future?
Martin: More competitions and sooner updates
COTR: would you like to say anything about any articles, issues we have
talked about on the blog, feedback, etc?
Thurd place, Jardell Kane.
COTR:How did you find COTR?
Jardell: Via viacom.. just kidding.
COTR: What were you're first thoughts?
Jardell: This was the best website ever, and finally I can find a place where I can listen
to thrash mettles and escape the coprate sheple in piece.
COTR: if you could change 1 thing about COTR, what would you change?
Jardell: More articles about sheeple.
COTR: what would you like to see from COTR in the future?
jardell: More burnout videos.
COTR: would you like to say anything about any articles, issues we have
talked about on the blog, feedback, etc?
Jardell:yes, which is cool, which is cool, where so cool we decide whats cool. (Just Kidding.)
And that concludes the interview, stay tuned for the next article on COTR, home of
all you're non sheeple needs.
Friday, November 10, 2006
As i am writing this article, I have noticed the growth of rap music via televison. Bands such as 50 cent and nelly trick the corporate sheeple into buying their dvds and audit.
I have been doing some research into the subject via numerous services. And is apparent that sheeple began rising with rap. (As illustrated via one of my grapPhs).
Rap music sucks because lots of people like it. Some characteristscs of rap music is a constant beat,
lyrics, dvds, video clips, sexually promicsious material, rhythmic lyrical form making abundant use of techniques like assonance, alliteration, and rhyme. The rapper is accompanied by an instrumental track, usually referred to as a "beat", performed via a disc jockey.
There are no good rappers, and anywho who says otherwise is just kidding. it's truely unitngelible to the maxillioum. They think they can make trillions off singing about sex and guns when all they are really ding is being repetitive and sheeple. STOP THE TREND DON'T BE BRAINWASHLED!
Now I shall give some reasons why rap music sucks!!1!
1. Only sheeple like it
2. I got a blog
4. You can't spell rap without crap (Obviously)
3. R - A - P stands for Retards Atempting Music
5.It's possible lies are told via the rap industry
5.All Eyez on Me (1996) was a highly influential album for the genre and is one of the most successful rap albums

Now that you have seen the histroy of rap and why it sucks, I will put forward some graphical and picture evidence rel8in to sheeple and rap. (click on pictures for better view)

P.S To the winnrars of our competition you're interviews will be posted next weak.
P.P.P.5 Ebert, your obviously a sheeple, you stick to your rap and we'll stick to our thrash mettle thank you very much.
I have been doing some research into the subject via numerous services. And is apparent that sheeple began rising with rap. (As illustrated via one of my grapPhs).
Rap music sucks because lots of people like it. Some characteristscs of rap music is a constant beat,
lyrics, dvds, video clips, sexually promicsious material, rhythmic lyrical form making abundant use of techniques like assonance, alliteration, and rhyme. The rapper is accompanied by an instrumental track, usually referred to as a "beat", performed via a disc jockey.
There are no good rappers, and anywho who says otherwise is just kidding. it's truely unitngelible to the maxillioum. They think they can make trillions off singing about sex and guns when all they are really ding is being repetitive and sheeple. STOP THE TREND DON'T BE BRAINWASHLED!
Now I shall give some reasons why rap music sucks!!1!
1. Only sheeple like it
2. I got a blog
4. You can't spell rap without crap (Obviously)
3. R - A - P stands for Retards Atempting Music
5.It's possible lies are told via the rap industry
5.All Eyez on Me (1996) was a highly influential album for the genre and is one of the most successful rap albums

Now that you have seen the histroy of rap and why it sucks, I will put forward some graphical and picture evidence rel8in to sheeple and rap. (click on pictures for better view)

P.S To the winnrars of our competition you're interviews will be posted next weak.
P.P.P.5 Ebert, your obviously a sheeple, you stick to your rap and we'll stick to our thrash mettle thank you very much.
Monday, October 23, 2006
Thankyou to all who entered
It was hard work deciding a winner from all the entries we got. In the end, there was a top 3 of entries and they are as follows.
First off, an inspriring entry from Julius, or 'T3h_SIffl3r'

In second place Martin Shay has an humourous entry

In 3rd place we have an entry from Jardell Kane, one of center of the rants's most faithful viewers, with his take on Schappelle Corby

Again we thank all those who have entered, it was good fun judging the posters. You may have noticed we have If you have any suggestions or comments feel free to write a message to us.
Thankyou to all who entered
It was hard work deciding a winner from all the entries we got. In the end, there was a top 3 of entries and they are as follows.
First off, an inspriring entry from Julius, or 'T3h_SIffl3r'

In second place Martin Shay has an humourous entry

In 3rd place we have an entry from Jardell Kane, one of center of the rants's most faithful viewers, with his take on Schappelle Corby

Again we thank all those who have entered, it was good fun judging the posters. You may have noticed we have If you have any suggestions or comments feel free to write a message to us.
Sunday, October 08, 2006
Competition of the rants!
Centre of rants is having a competition this week.
To enter you must draw your best anti sheeple, anti snakes on a plane, anti MTV etc poster, (posters about slime and blogs are good as well) and electronic mail it to
The winner will have their poster posted on the website with their name and a very quick interview. Entries close on the 21st of october and winners will be announced on the 22nd, so get your entries in quick if you want to keep away the coprate sheple!
(To the left is a good example of a poster that could be used in this competition, click to enlarge)
Centre of rants is having a competition this week.
To enter you must draw your best anti sheeple, anti snakes on a plane, anti MTV etc poster, (posters about slime and blogs are good as well) and electronic mail it to
The winner will have their poster posted on the website with their name and a very quick interview. Entries close on the 21st of october and winners will be announced on the 22nd, so get your entries in quick if you want to keep away the coprate sheple!