Friday, December 08, 2006

Interviews with the winners

WE haven't wrotten in a long thyme, so this article will be recherche. We announced that the winners would have there interviews posted. The interviews were done via medium the internet.

First place, Julius, or SIffler.

COTR: How did you find COTR?

JULIUS: well when i was visiting my anti-DVD industry sites i came across

COTR: What were your first thoughts?

JULIUS: well at first i thought it was a joke then i saw the very
intelligible debates they raised

COTR: if you could change 1 thing about COTR, what would you change?

JULIUS: A thing to eliminate spam messages by the certain sheeple. (Ebert) "

COTR: what would you like to see from COTR in the future?

JULIUS: possibly confrontations with the certain company VIIIIACCCCOMM about
their sheeplistic ways

COTR: would you like to say anything about any articles, issues we have
talked about on the blog, feedback, etc?

JULIUS: an Article about chemtrails

Second place, Martin Shay

COTR: How did you find COTR?
Martin: friends
COTR: What were your first thoughts?
Martin: finaly someone that isnt a brainwashed sheeple
COTR: if you could change 1 thing about COTR, what would you change?
Martin: the web address because COTR is to good for blogspot and should ahve
its own domain
COTR: what would you like to see from COTR in the future?
Martin: More competitions and sooner updates
COTR: would you like to say anything about any articles, issues we have
talked about on the blog, feedback, etc?

Thurd place, Jardell Kane.

COTR:How did you find COTR?
Jardell: Via viacom.. just kidding.
COTR: What were you're first thoughts?
Jardell: This was the best website ever, and finally I can find a place where I can listen
to thrash mettles and escape the coprate sheple in piece.
COTR: if you could change 1 thing about COTR, what would you change?
Jardell: More articles about sheeple.
COTR: what would you like to see from COTR in the future?
jardell: More burnout videos.
COTR: would you like to say anything about any articles, issues we have
talked about on the blog, feedback, etc?
Jardell:yes, which is cool, which is cool, where so cool we decide whats cool. (Just Kidding.)

And that concludes the interview, stay tuned for the next article on COTR, home of
all you're non sheeple needs.